Friday, August 21, 2009

Okay, folks

I'm not sure if I'll have a reliable internet connection out here. While my family in Angat has bomb diggity service, my dinky laptop in Quezon City might not have the service that can support daily blog posts. I'll have to see what happens; but for now, I might keep a separate log on my computer and blog everything tuwing sabado't linggo.

In other news, things are going great. I love my place in Project 3, QC and with a little bit more tidying up, it'll be my sanctuary for the next five months... Angat, too!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In Transit

I'm currently at Hong Kong International Airport, gobbling up the free WiFi and taking advantage of the ultra swanky bathrooms- my usual M.O. My Los Angeles-Hong Kong flight was comfortable with absolutely no complaints from my end; but, then again, I'm so amused by in-flight doodads, I'm hardly ever peeved.
Part of the fam-bam at LAX :)

I was listening to "House of Cards" by Radiohead upon my descent into Hong Kong and was met with a rush of excitement and joy. While the flight was pleasantly reminiscent of last year's excursion, I'm more than thrilled to have the opportunity to live rather than to trek. [However, trekking opportunities, tuloy po kayo!]

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Departure

I leave for the Philippines tonight and should be arriving at Ninoy Aquino at ~11:00am.

I'm totally going to exhaust those in-flight movies and television programs. You watch out, Cathay Pacific!
[So much for anonymity...yeesh!]
This is simply my bago ang Pilipinas shot.
I look forward to the pagkatapos ng Pilipinas one more.
